"We make it EASY to know us..."

Our Founder, Ron Moore. Sr.

By Cheryl Norris Sanders

Ronald L. Moore, Sr. sees every thing in life as an extension of his personal ministry. He uses his formal training, knowledge and spiritual connection as the foundation for his business endeavors and relationships. Training in graphic design at Philadelphia College of Art (currently University of the Arts) is where his odyssey began. Ron continued his education, achieving a Masters in Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

Working in Louisville General Hospital as a chaplain during his Clinical Pastoral Education course was a life changing experience. There he developed a well-rounded view of ministry. He observed human pain and suffering in an up close and personal way. It left an indelible impression that affects the way he sees life and ministry. Observing operations, touring the morgue and watching as someone passed away changed his perspective on life's priorities. His passion is teaching Christian adults to raise their social conscious level; making a difference in the church and the world. Ron is following his own vision, a rare thing in today's society.

Where to Worship.com is the next logical step for Ron after having served as managing editor for The American Baptist Newspaper while in Louisville. It is the 100-year-old communications arm of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky. One of the highlights of his service there was an interview with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame legend, Little Richard, who proved to be very sincere about his religious convictions. That newspaper included a directory of member churches called, Where to Worship.

The concept stayed in Ron's subconscious through the time he spent in service with the American Friends Service Committee. It stayed there as he began to operate his own enterprise, The Omega Group Concepts III, which he co-founded with life long friends, Brian Lancaster and the late Linda Nickens. It lay buried there until it surfaced one day as he was preparing to attend a youth conference. While moving around the house that day, he passed his computer and heard a voice saying, "Where To Worship. Com." The rest is history.

Ron also operates The Alphaomega Group which serves as an umbrella for new enterprises and ideas. The Alphaomega Group offers marketing, consulting and management services. Where to Worship.com was originally a segment of an earlier website directory. Because of the promotional services as well as the management and consultation services of The Alphaomega Group, it outgrew the space and needed its own site. Presently it is a growing national directory of churches and information center. Where to Worship also provides affordable web development services for churches. Alphaomega is making its services available to businesses both on and off the Internet.

Amazingly, Ron is the core of all these enterprises and they are experiencing phenomenal growth. He started with the Omega Christian Fellowship and used that as a basis to bring his religious intentions into the business world. The musical ministry of the late Keith Green influenced Ron. He thought that bringing a similar sincerity and earnest manner into entrepreneurial ventures might get things moving and shaking. He was correct.

His business has gone global in a very short period. He believes that offering regional directories of specific products and services will help people make more efficient use of their time surfing the Internet. Where to Worship.com is an auspicious beginning.




Church Directory
Resource Center
Business Center